All posts in cowboy

A comparison between Misultin, Mochiweb, Cowboy, NodeJS and Tornadoweb

As some of you already know, I’m the author of Misultin, an Erlang HTTP lightweight server library. I’m interested in HTTP servers, I spend quite some time trying them out and am always interested in comparing them from different perspectives.

Today I wanted to try the same benchmark against various HTTP server libraries:

I’ve chosen these libraries because they are the ones which currently interest me the most. Misultin, obviously since I wrote it; Mochiweb, since it’s a very solid library widely used in production (afaik it has been used or is still used to empower the Facebook Chat, amongst other things); Cowboy, a newly born lib whose programmer is very active in the Erlang community; NodeJS, since bringing javascript to the backend has opened up a new whole world of possibilities (code reusable in frontend, ease of access to various programmers,…); and finally, Tornadoweb, since Python still remains one of my favourites languages out there, and Tornadoweb has been excelling in loads of benchmarks and in production, empowering FriendFeed.

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