All posts in misultin

A comparison between Misultin, Mochiweb, Cowboy, NodeJS and Tornadoweb

As some of you already know, I’m the author of Misultin, an Erlang HTTP lightweight server library. I’m interested in HTTP servers, I spend quite some time trying them out and am always interested in comparing them from different perspectives.

Today I wanted to try the same benchmark against various HTTP server libraries:

I’ve chosen these libraries because they are the ones which currently interest me the most. Misultin, obviously since I wrote it; Mochiweb, since it’s a very solid library widely used in production (afaik it has been used or is still used to empower the Facebook Chat, amongst other things); Cowboy, a newly born lib whose programmer is very active in the Erlang community; NodeJS, since bringing javascript to the backend has opened up a new whole world of possibilities (code reusable in frontend, ease of access to various programmers,…); and finally, Tornadoweb, since Python still remains one of my favourites languages out there, and Tornadoweb has been excelling in loads of benchmarks and in production, empowering FriendFeed.

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Misultin: erlang and websockets

Inspired by Joe Armstrong’s post, I’ve recently added websocket support to misultin v0.4, my Erlang library for building fast lightweight HTTP servers.

Basically, websockets allow a two-way asynchronous communication between browser and servers, filling the gap that some technologies such as ajax and comet have tried to fulfill in these recent years. If you want to try this out yourself, you will first need to grab a browser which implements websockets, such as Google Chrome.

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Misultin library

Today I’ve released Misultin (pronounced mee-sul-teen), an Erlang library for building fast lightweight HTTP servers. The first benchmarks are quite satisfying, even though there still is work to do.

Here is the simple code for Misultin’s Hello World.

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